WELcome to

The Soul Seeker Community!

Seeking a profound spiritual connection? Searching for a haven where  awakening women empower and uplift each other? You've found your sanctuary.

We meet the first Wednesday of Every Month

Come for clarity, stay for community

In this Soul Community:

Key Highlights

+ Exclusively for passionate, driven women on a spiritual voyage.

+ Live, in-person meetups once a month.

+ Dive deep into self-awareness, find clarity, and be a part of a supportive tribe.

Your Spiritual Calling

Life's whirlwind often leaves us yearning for more. A call from within whispers of a life aligned with our soul's purpose. If you're:

  • Embrace Growth with Strength: Join a circle of women transforming life's challenges into sources of empowerment, nurturing inner strength through every twist and turn.
  • Cultivate Meaningful Connections: In our spiritual community, we build relationships that celebrate support, respect, and personal growth, enriching our collective journey.
  • Seek Emotional Harmony: Here, we explore our emotions as guides to deeper fulfillment and wisdom, embracing the quest for a life that resonates with our truest selves.
  • Choose Balance Over Busyness: We learn to say 'yes' to what matters and 'no' to the overwhelm, crafting lives rich in purpose and joy, not just commitments.

Then your soul is beckoning for an up-leveling. Our community is here to guide, inspire, and be with you on this transformative journey.

All these experiences are signs that you want something more out of life. These signs show you what you need to heal to answer the call for more.

It's important to realize that these experiences do not satisfy this craving for more. Yet, sometimes, it may feel like they do, like overworking and overachieving, only to realize it is fleeting, and you may end up still feeling like it's never enough. 

If the above experiences resonate with you and you have done everything you are "supposed" to do, you still feel a void, a deep calling for more.

Then what you are experiencing is the up-leveling, the call of your soul. And this soul community can help support you on your journey. 

Eventually, you will find yourself

Seeking more meaning in life...

  • Questioning if there's something more to life
  • Desiring to be more authentically you
  • Craving a life more in alignment with who you are
  • Longing to live your passion and know your purpose

Looking for the answers to deeper questions:

  • What am I here for in this life? 
  • Who am I truly?
  • What if all your dreams are possible?
  • What will life be like if I can answer the call of my soul and it doesn't take overwhelm, overwork, or burnout to hear it?
  • How will your life improve if you know how to access your soul to receive guidance, unconditional love, and support?

There is a supportive community that inspires, uplifts, and empowers you to be more of who you are


A community to help guide you on this quest for something more, the call back to your soul. A place where you can reconnect with your Self to gain clarity, confidence, and self-love.

There is - the Inspire, Uplift & Empower Soul Community!

How it Works

Are you experiencing a spiritual awakening? 

Feeling misunderstood

As your inner world shifts dramatically, you may feel isolated or misunderstood by family, friends, and society, who may not grasp the depth of your experiences or changes in perspective.

Emotional Volatility

The process can unleash a rollercoaster of emotions, including fear, anger, sadness, and immense joy. Managing these heightened emotions can be challenging and sometimes overwhelming.

Life Transitions

Spiritual awakenings often prompt changes in careers, relationships, and lifestyles. Making these adjustments can be difficult, especially if it means leaving behind long-standing aspects of one’s life.

Physical Symptoms

Some may experience unusual physical symptoms (often referred to as “ascension symptoms”) such as changes in energy levels, sleep patterns, and even physical discomfort or unexplained sensations, which can be confusing and distressing.


The path can be lonely, especially in the early stages, as individuals may struggle to find others who share their new values, insights, and experiences.

Fear of the Unknown

Letting go of old beliefs and embracing a new understanding of the world can be frightening. Fear of the unknown and what this journey entails can be challenging.

Spiritual Bypassing

There’s a risk of using spirituality to avoid dealing with unresolved emotional issues or psychological wounds, a phenomenon known as spiritual bypassing, which can lead to superficial healing and unresolved personal growth.

Balancing Material and Spiritual Life

Finding a balance between spiritual development and the demands of material life, such as work, relationships, and societal expectations, can be difficult.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.
Finding a balance between spiritual development and the demands of material life, such as work, relationships, and societal expectations, can be difficult.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.
Finding a balance between spiritual development and the demands of material life, such as work, relationships, and societal expectations, can be difficult.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.
Finding a balance between spiritual development and the demands of material life, such as work, relationships, and societal expectations, can be difficult.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.

Discernment Difficulties

Distinguishing between genuine spiritual experiences and misleading or ego-driven interpretations can be challenging, requiring a deep sense of discernment and sometimes guidance from experienced individuals.

Skepticism from Others

Encountering skepticism or outright rejection from others regarding one’s experiences and changes in beliefs can be disheartening and lead to social conflict or estrangement.

Sensitivity to Environments and People

Becoming more sensitive to the energies of places and people, which may lead to avoiding certain situations or seeking out more peaceful, positive environments.

Questioning the Status Quo

 Questioning societal norms, personal life choices, and the true meaning of life, often accompanied by a desire for change and a search for truth and authenticity.

Addressing these challenges often requires creating a supportive network, setting boundaries, and finding practical ways to integrate spiritual practices into daily life

It’s also important for women, especially mothers, to acknowledge and honor their journey, recognizing the strength it takes to pursue personal growth amidst raising a family.

you're in the right place.

Is The Soul Community Right For You?

If you crave a deeper connection with your soul/intuition, more out of life, less overwhelming thoughts and emotions, self-reflection and want to grow, transform, and expand then this soul community is for you. 

Where you can come to grow your self-love and self-confidence

A sacred space to receive guidance to listen to the call of your soul

A place for you to remember and embrace who you truly are so you can show up in the world as you are called

To help guide you to tap into your soul to gain curiosity, clarity, confidence, commitment, and courage, to be more authentically you, and when you run into challenges on your life’s path

Who this is NOT for

is NOT: Based on any denomination or religion. We will speak of Soul and, at times, Spirit/Universe. If these terms resonate with you, I invite you to join this community! If not, no worries!

is NOT: A place for judgment. We hold no judgments for where you are on your journey. 

is NOT: A space where you have to show up a certain way in order to be loved and accepted. We love you as you are, where you are, whatever brought you here, there is a reason.

Each Sunday Soul Community Session is held in a sacred space. 

A sacred space contains 3 things 

  1. What's said here stays here – You can happily share the insights you gained; however, sharing other people's stories is not allowed. 
  2. No judgments for others or ourselves
  3. No repercussions – what you share or are going through will be met with love and compassion. 


Here's how this Soul Community can support you

In my article on medium, How To Satisfy Your Soul To Live A More Fulfilled Life, I share the five Cs. Curiosity, Clarity, Commitment, Courage, and Confidence. 

When I become curious about what my soul is calling me to do, I gain tremendous clarity. That clarity is what you see in this creation of this soul community. 

Now that I have this clarity, I am ready to make commitments to bring forth this soul community. 

If you’re ready to feel more inspired, uplifted, and empower and want more confidence on this journey of life, I invite you to become a part of this soul community. 

Learn more about the 

In this community, showing up is 90% of the work. The other 10% is being present and aware of the spiritual insights and healing that come with each community meeting. 

Each Sunday, we hold our sacred space for the IUE Soul community 


I'm so excited to see your beautiful face and hear your story. 

Soul Community Sessions

I’m committed to teaching high-achieving empaths, lightworkers, and healers how to trust their intuition, reclaim their intuitive gifts, and confidently step into their Soul's Purpose using my Intuitively Aligned Formula.

I’m a certified spiritual counselor, energy healer, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Business Strategist with 1000s of hours of experience in mindful energy work. I'll guide you to explore the beauty of your inner world in a way that welcomes and embraces all parts of you – mind, body, and soul – so you can remember who you really are and what you have come here to do. What would life look like if you could break free from limiting thinking, find deep inner nourishment, and illuminate your natural essence?

In my former life, I was a successful electrical engineer with a thriving corporate career. As my personal ambitions grew, so did my career, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was called to bring healing to powerful women, who are also called to change the world.

I know what it’s like to be successful on the outside, confused and burnt out on the inside, and yearning to live a purposeful life that’s aligned with who you truly are. As frustrated, exhausted, or downright over it as you may feel right now, there is another path. A path for you to start illuminating your deepest desires in every moment. I'm here to show you the way.

I’d be honored to help you dive into an even deeper level of your energetic alignment and create a life that sets your soul on fire!


Join me on Instagram for the latest divine messages.
